The 193rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia met at the Jekyll Island Convention Center and, for Eucharist and a dinner on the grounds and concert, at Honey Creek. The convention received reports, passed a budget for 2015, a canonical change on investments for mission congregations and a resolution commending Deaconess Alexander to churchwide recognition as a saint. This page remains as an online archive of the acts of the Convention. For more photos of the event, see the Convention 2014 Photo Album

The Clergy of the Diocese of Georgia are pictured outside the Convention Center during the lunch break on Friday.

The Very Rev. Ted Clarkson, Dean of the Southeast Convocation, preaches on the Feast of William Temple for Evening Prayer on Thursday evening.

The Rev. Adrianna Shaw talks to those at her table during a discussion of the Opening Presentation by Canon Frank Logue on mission taking place around the Diocese of Georgia.

The Convention Eucharist was held in front of the Chapel of Our Savior at Honey Creek. It was followed by a Low Country Boil and a concert by Charlie and the Foxtrots.

Charlie and the Foxtrots play on the stage in front of the Chapel following the Convention Eucharist. Group members Chas and Jeremy grew up at Trinity Episcopal Church in Statesboro and were active in our Episcopal Campus Ministry at Georgia Southern prior to forming the band.

Diocesan Youth lead the Morning Devotions for the Saturday of Convention.

Canonical Changes and a Resolution were discussed and voted on Saturday morning, after first having been brought to the floor of convention for an initial discussion on Friday.

Delegates hold hands as Bishop Benhase prays a closing prayer for convention.