Registration Now Open!

To register as a delegate or a guest, click here.

There is a registration fee of $25. A portion of this fee will help cover the cost of the technology needed for Convention, and a portion will be donated to Honey Creek.
Convention will take place November 6-7, 2020. An initial session will take place on Friday evening, beginning at 6 p.m., with additional sessions on Saturday. In addition, a service of Holy Eucharist will take place on Saturday morning. The hope is that this schedule will permit the participation of delegates whose work requirements may have precluded serving in this role in the past.
There are several canonical eligibility requirements that must be met by those who serve as delegates to the Diocesan Convention. Below are the Canons of the Diocese that pertain to Clergy and Lay Delegates:
ARTICLE III – Composition of Convention
From Section 3:
All Lay Delegates must be confirmed adult communicants in good standing of this Church, at least sixteen years of age, and canonically resident in this Diocese and are to be chosen from the members of the Parish by the Wardens and Vestry thereof, or by the Congregation thereof
To view the Constitution and Canons in their entirety, including additional requirements to be a delegate,  click here.
Delegate Technology Recommendations
In addition to the Canonical requirements for Delegates, the following list of items will allow delegates to participate fully and as easily as possible:
  • Strong internet access: This can take place from diverse locations including your home, work, or church.
  • Internet capable device: If a delegate does not have an internet capable device, we encourage the congregation to work with them to enable access.
  • Local WiFi Connection: We strongly encourage a connection to a local wifi network, rather than the use of a cell phone data plan. The Diocese cannot reimburse any costs incurred by cell phone data usage.
  • Audio and visual connection: In order to participate fully in large and small group discussions, a computer camera and microphone (built in to many laptops and newer desktops but available separately) are strongly recommended.