Actions of Convention 2011

A panoramic view of the convention.

The following actions were taken by the 190th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.

The Resolution to secure recognition by The Episcopal Church of Deaconess Alexander as a saint of the Church, with a designated feast day was passed by vote.

The Strategies for Peace in Israel/Palestine resolution (proposed by Episcopal Peace Fellowship group meeting at Christ the King, Valdosta, on November 1, 2010) was tabled by vote of convention.

The convention approved the canonical revision concerning funding the mission and ministry of the Diocese which moves all congregations to a consistent 10% as the standard of giving.

Finally, the “clean up” or “housekeeping” changes to the canons was passed.

There were no amendments to those resolutions and canonical changes which were passed by convention. The full text of all of the above resolutions and canonical changes remain online linked below.

The Rev. Sam Buice speaks during debate on a resolution and (above) The Rev. Will McQueen asks a question of the chair during debate.

Deaconess Anna Ellison Butler Alexander
Resolution to secure recognition by The Episcopal Church of Deaconess Alexander as a saint of the Church, with a designated feast day. passed by vote Febryary 12, 2011

Strategies for Peace in Israel/Palestine
Resolution proposed by Episcopal Peace Fellowship group, Christ the King, Valdosta
November 1, 2010 Tabled by vote of convention on February 12, 2011

Canonical Revision: Funding the Mission and Ministry of the Diocese
This change moves all congregations to a consistent 10%. passed by vote February 12, 2011

Canonical Revision: “Clean up” Changes
The Committe on Constitution and Canons proposes a thorough revision to make “housekeeping” changes to the canons. passed by vote February 12, 2011